About the Landscape Juice Network

Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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Lost in translation, importer's nightmare

Many of you import goods from China. Besides the initial culture shock, have you ever come across the miss translation problem?

An artificial grass importer quit his manufacturer because he cannot understand his sales agent the manufacturer assigned to him, even though he is very happy with the quality and price of the product.

With so many artificial grass on the UK market today, the competition is fierce. It is a shame to let a good product go.

With increase trading between China and Britain, there comes increasing communication between the two countries.  

It's not fair to ask the Chinese agent to speak perfect English just because you British don't speak any Chinese.

The solution is simple-Hire an agent who speak both.

I grown up in China, studied English language in Guangdong University of Foreign studies. I understand the Chinese culture and the eastern way. I studied in Manchester University and have lived in England for the last 15 years. I understand the British systems and western way. I have been in the artificial grass business for the past four years and know very well how the product is made and the importing process. 

So next time when you get frustrated with your Chinese manufacturer, remember there is a girl called Jenny! 

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  • Hmm. 

  • 这将是非常有用的

    • Hahaha, 你好Geoff.
      • .... and hello to you too!!

  • PRO


    • 你好Andrew.
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Trade green waste centres

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Andy Unwin, Course Manager at Rotherham Golf Club, relies on Mansfield Sand’s MM35 for top dressing, ensuring the greens remain in impeccable condition year-round.

Rotherham Golf Club, established in 1903, is celebrated for its rich history…

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