Business / personal name

James King Garden Services

Business address

35 Poplar Close, Garsington.




OX44 9BP

Primary telephone number:

07511 859038

About you and your business ( please complete)

I have been a teacher for many years and had an active interest in gardening. As a result of this, I decided to finish in education and devote my time to gardening. I set up my own business in July 2018 and offer a wide range of services. Not only in gardening, but also aspects associated with the garden, for example repairing sheds, jet washing patios and repairing gutters to name but a few. If I had to specialise, it would be the cutting of hedges, the higher the better.

Skills ( please complete )

I have a wide range of skills which include LANTRA qualified, construction and the ability to solve problems.

Business category

Landscaper, Maintenance, Lawn Care, Other

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