Business / personal name
Stewart Duncan Garden Design
Business / personal name
Stewart Duncan Garden Design
Business address
33A High Street Sandridge St. Albans
Primary telephone number:
About you and your business ( please complete)
From leaving school until being made redundant in 1989 I was a cartographic draughtsman. Having always been of a creative nature and having a desire to work outdoors I decided to offer myself as a volunteer to the Hertfordshire Groundwork Trust, this then led to me being employed by the Trust. I then moved onto to Garden Centre work and then working for a garden maintenance company, all to gain experience. I also did a Garden Design course at Writtle College Finally in 1995 I started a small business designing and building gardens, my predominant source of work since has been from recommendations.
Skills ( please complete )
Design, hard landscaping and planting.
Business category
Landscaper, Designer
Business Size (based on Turnover)
Where did you hear about Landscape Juice
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