Become a Member & support your network

Upgrade to Member, support the network & unlock the potential of your profile.

Do you want to support your network and promote your business at the same time?

Expose your business to huge readership that Landscape Juice Network gets every month?

Become an LJN supporter - Support the network & unlock the potential of your LJN profile.

Whilst all LJN members can take advantage of the advice and information freely traded on the forum, only those who upgrade are recognised as a supporter by having their profile open to view. By becoming a Member or Premium Supplier you'll be able to brand your profile page, display full contact details, web address, email address, & social pages.

Premium room access & document library

As a Premium member you will have access to the Business Objectives Group (BOG) where you can discuss sensitive topics with industry peers, in private. You will also have access to a growing list of shared documents. Examples of which are Terms & Conditions, Cancellation notices, rate calculators, health & much more.

I pay £40 per year in a one-off payment as a Pro Member but the payback from this very small investment must be many thousands of pounds saved or gained through knowledge and advice. Only this week I have gained detailed advice from members in the BOG about specific charging rates for commercial weed control work, and received via e-mail a full set of COSHH and RAMS documents completely free of charge from a member, saving many many hours of personal work and research. Completely selflessly with no expectation of payment or reciprocity.

Read more ... A Big Thank You LJN

"An open association like LJN is just a remarkable place. What you pay per year for what you get out of it is astonishing, and speaking personally, LJN has helped guide me from a new start up business into 5 years of profitable trading and I don't think I could have done that without access to the forum and the great contributors to it."Simon Land

Simon Land

Check out the comparison chart below to see what extras you get as a Member.

Once you've filled in the direct debit form you'll be sent an invoice. Payment is usually taken within 7 days of sign-up.
