Business / personal name

Weed Free

Business address

The Lawn Centre Unit 8, Pankhurst Farm, Bagshot Road West End Woking Surrey GU24 9QR

Primary telephone number:

07000 481011

About you and your business ( please complete)

Advice | Application | Supply | Training Contract Pesticide Application Service for Amenity Turf, Horticulture, Commercial and Industrial Sites. We are ISO 9001 Quality Assured and have a fleet of equipment including self propelled shrouded sprayers and quad bikes.

Skills ( please complete )

We are able to provide a Professional Service | Reliable Service | Cost Effective Solution | supported by 32 years practical, technical and commercial knowledge of the turf care industry and pesticides. We have a degree in turf culture and our team are able to invisibly come part of your team ... plus their big sprayer. We can train your employees in the safe use of pesticides and supply a wide range of pesticides for own use.

Business category

Consultant, Lawn Care, Maintenance

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

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