Business / personal name

Oakwood Garden and Ground Maintenance Ltd

Business address

52 Home Close, Histon Cambridge




CB24 9JL

Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

I am 53 years old and have been running a gardening business for the past 6 months although I have been gardening since the age of 13 when taught by my grandfather and grandmother. I would like to combine the gardening with landscaping and garden design. I have a passion for roses and frequently take cuttings for customers and grow more roses for the customers, I am also booked on a rose course at Peter Beales roses in watch this space.. I am also looking to buy a very old early Victorian book on roses and rose care so I can learn the old methods of rose care. I am also clearing and designing a garden for a new customer as well as landscaping work which I want to learn more about and offer customers, so the complete package.

Skills ( please complete )

General garden work, such as lawn cutting, hedge cutting, rose care, weeding, vegetable patches, hazel nut tree topping, weeding garden clearances, garden maintenance and any thing else to do with gardening.

Business category

Landscaper, Designer, Maintenance, Lawn Care, Domestic, Commercial

Business Size (based on Turnover)


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