About the Landscape Juice Network

Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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  • PRO

    Careful David, your have opinion police knocking on your door.

    Net zero is a joke and completely unachievable. China, India, America.

    Like the tories, Labour are done. They might as well merge as one party I see no difference between them.

    Labour and tories have ripped of the working classes for three decades and Labour have now done over the middle class etc. The kids are all pissed because they can't afford to move out of mum and dad's. Its now taking over a year for graduates to get jobs and  I'm talking about kids with shit hot degrees. 

    Next general election i predict a landslide in favour of Reform. 

  • EV's, heat pumps, smart meters, all a whitewash.

    Drax power station burning millions of tonnes of wood pellets imported on diesel ships from North America and emit more carbon than a coal fired power station yet received 500 million in government subsidies and paid out 300 million in dividends to shareholders , think this is called green whitewashing. Keir Starmer being driven around in a 5lt V8 Range Rover, do as I say not as I do !

    "Drill baby drill"

  •  Am I the only one that thinks it might be nice not to trash the planet? Even if that means some inconvenience along the way?  Climate change is real.  If the north atlantic drift stops, we'll have winters like Moscow, that might be a bit inconvenient.  More floods, more droughts, farmers unable to get on their fields.  We might have left it too late to do anything about it, but for the love of god surely we can try?

    • The UK emits less than 2% of global greenhouse gases do you really think if we all drive EV's, have smart meters we will make any difference?

      Net zero for the UK is a pipe dream as it conveniently ignores the carbon emissions from all the goods we import and funds the building of coal fired power stations opening at the rate of one a week in China and India etc.

      We have Ed Miliband proposing to spend 22 billion on carbon capture which is unproven technology and may not work, yet we have people waiting on trolleys in hospital corridors for hours and often days. I'm sure they must think that all this green whitewashing is a price worth paying for the money to be spent on vanity projects !

      No doubt all these ministers who think up these schemes will be quietly moved sideways into another ministerial role when they don't work and continue to receive their large salaries and gold plated pensions. Stuff the poor taxpayer.


      • PRO


    • PRO

      No you are not.

      Short term plans made by selfish greedy power hungry individuals will not help the planet, just themselves.

      Fortunes are being made by carbon offsetting and green energy.

      China have no human rights for there own poeple why would they care about the rest.

      Global warming is nothing new, we just sped it up. It will cost us our lives. Considering we are the cause would that be a bad thing?

      Don't worry I'm sure a scientist will come up with something as long as there's money in it.

      'I don't like money', said know one


  • PRO

    It's always the same, let's go after the homeowners and the little guys first. It's their fault blah blah blah.


    Make everyone buy an electric car and lawn mower whilst turning a blind eye to the big industries polluting the planet.


    Politicians getting chauffeured around in big gas guzzlers and flying around the world in jets to have meetings on what they can do to save the planet and they come up with this nonsense. 

  • Want the truth on EV's ? Watch Barrie Crampton on Youtube, hundreds of 2 to 3 yr old on Auto trader etc with single digit miles , all been pre registered to massage and comply with the sales mandate that manufacturers have to comply with to avoid 15 k fines per vehicle if they don't reach the percentage for EV sales. The car buying public don't want a ticking time bomb of negligible residual values and the eye watering cost of repairs. The majority of EV's are sold to company employees on salary sacrifice schemes due to the tax incentives and are leased not bought. The leasing companies now have a problem with 2 to 3 year old vehicles coming off lease which no one wants to buy. Has anyone seen the 30 to 40k discounts on large electric vans? Amazon's electric vans seem to have disappeared? Another issue with large vans is that they are coming in at 4.2 tonnes gvw because of battery weight and as such are classed as an HGV with first MOT due at 12 months not 3 years, and there does not appear to be hardly any  test stations that can test electric vans with a gvw of 4.2 with the consequences that operators of these vehicles cannot get them tested and are having to take them off the road, including a well known national plant hire company! It seems to be a grey area whether they should have tachographs fitted. The world has gone mad.

    • Yes been following Barrie's videos for a while, he talks a lot of sense. Another good channel is EV Carnage. The depreciation plus time wasted hanging around charging instead of working, is terrifying. I am a big user of battery garden kit, the difference to an EV being that the battery pack can be swapped over in seconds. After several years use the capacity of Li-Ion packs fades noticeably. Which in the case of an electric vehicle means the whole thing is scrap. And this fast charging malarkey is bound to wear out the cells more quickly. If EV's had been established years ago instead of petrol/diesel then we would be accustomed to their range limitations. But for most, society and work etc. just doesn't have that leisurely mindset.

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Hibernian Football Club, celebrated as Scotland’s greenest football club, has made significant strides in sustainable grounds management with the purchase of the Dennis ES-860 battery-powered mower.

Head Groundsman Steven Thomas has found…

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