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Andy Unwin, Course Manager at Rotherham Golf Club, relies on Mansfield Sand’s MM35 for top dressing, ensuring the greens remain in impeccable condition year-round.

Rotherham Golf Club, established in 1903, is celebrated for its rich history and picturesque parkland setting. Designed by Open Champion Sandy Herd and later modified by the famed James Braid, the course offers a challenging yet enjoyable experience for golfers of all abilities. With rolling tree-lined fairways and meticulously cared-for greens, the course has hosted top professionals and amateurs alike.

12664473258?profile=RESIZE_584xAndy, who has been associated with Rotherham Golf Club for 15 years, is committed to upholding the course's prestigious reputation. With a dedicated team of six members of staff, he ensures the greens are in pristine condition, utilising Mansfield Sand’s MM35 Golf for top dressing. "We use MM35 Golf from Mansfield Sand because we think it is the best top dressing for the greens – and certainly the most compatible," Andy explains.

"Every fortnight through the growing season, we apply a light top dressing of 5 tonnes. In the spring and autumn, we do a heavier top dressing, applying 30 tonnes each time."

Mansfield Sand’s MM35 Golf, a pure silica sand sourced from the company’s Two Oaks Quarry, is renowned for its benefits, including improved recovery, firmness, smoothness, and an enhanced rootzone. "We use it mainly for smoothing the surface out," Andy notes. "It helps drainage and the overall health of the grass."

Andy’s relationship with Mansfield Sand spans his entire 21-year career as a greenkeeper. "We’ve had a really good relationship with the company over the years," he says. "Louise Barrington-Earp, our rep at Mansfield Sand, has been really good. Louise visits us regularly and is always available on the phone if ever we need anything. If I ever need advice, Louise is quick to offer their assistance."

Rotherham Golf Club’s use of MM35 Golf underlines the product’s exceptional quality and reliability. "We have never used anything else and wouldn’t need to because the product is fit for purpose," Andy says. The superior performance of MM35 Golf ensures that Rotherham Golf Club’s greens remain smooth, well-drained, and healthy, providing an optimal playing surface for golfers year-round.

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PGM replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"The local lawn treatment to us starts from £15 per treatment and they seem very well reviewed. Some of the national franchises aren't that much more than that either so i'd guess a minimum price of £50 might be too high. Great if you can get it…"
10 hours ago
Andrew Lowe replied to Andrew Lowe's discussion Toro Timemaster brake arm problem
"Thanks for your replies, I'll see if I can get the pulley off at the weekend. Hopefully if it is the bearing I can just replace that, but I've got a feeling I'll need to buy the whole assembly."
15 hours ago
Dave Colton replied to Andrew Lowe's discussion Toro Timemaster brake arm problem
"Mine did a similar thing and it was a bearing on the pully that had gone."
Peter sellers replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"Forget a drop spreader, useless. We don't do a lot of lawn treatment and have had numerous rotary spreaders , guess you won't want to spend a lot one of the best budget spreaders we are still using is the Cobra around £85  online we bought ours…"
David Benson replied to Andrew Lowe's discussion Toro Timemaster brake arm problem
"not familiar with toro but somthing is out of line have you checked the drive pully as the belt is hitting the brake arm and dosnot seem to be square"
David Benson replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"use a wheeld brordcast spredder with a fert only then a backpack sprayer for any weed killer requierd, you will never get it right with a drop spreader "
Graham Taylor replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"Never used a "drop spreader" but I'd guess they take much longer compared to a wheeled rotary that I always use.   Where I have seenthem used, not been very successful with lines of burnt patches!   The fertilzer "Evergreen" I use costs about £25…"
Adam Pilgrim replied to M Olsson's discussion Lawn Treatment
"A lot of variable here.
Unfortuately I think you may have little uptake at that price bracket given what some of the national franchises charge....
Drop spreaders have their place, as do rotary (wheeled) and rotary (hand) spreaders. Some products…"
M Olsson posted a discussion
Hi All, I've been asked to offer lawn treatment for many of my customers. I've quoted £50 for anything below 300sqm which is probabaly a bit steep maybe? But that includes product itself, application and watering if needed. How do you price granular…
Andrew Lowe posted a discussion
Hi there,I wonder if anyone else has had this problem with their Toro Timemaster. I took a short video (YouTube link below) of what's happening when the blade lever is engaged. The brake arm is shaking around like mad. It still cuts, but struggles…
Andrew Lowe is now a member of Landscape Juice Network
William Swaine replied to Danny's discussion Winter gritting
"Hi danny, just seen your post now. Did you manage to get some information regarding gritting, such as price per square metre etc. Any information would be greatly apprecited, thank you. "
William Swaine replied to Robert Cottrell's discussion Salt Gritting
"Hi bryn did you manage to get some information on how to price it. I am just trying to understand the industry. Any inrofmation would be really apprecited, thank you. "
William Swaine replied to Robert Cottrell's discussion Salt Gritting
"Hi Classic Gardens, do you roughly know the size of the crapark you are refreing to for £500 in square metres. Any infomraiton would be greatly apprecited. "
William Swaine replied to Robert Cottrell's discussion Salt Gritting
"Hi Robert Cottrell, do you roughly know the size of the crapark you are refreing to for £700 in square metres. Any infomraiton would be greatly apprecited. "
William Swaine replied to Mitchel ingham's discussion snow and gritting service pricing
"Hi Gavin, I was wondeirng if you could provide some insight please. With that £2500 the company you worked for took in do you have a rough idea of square meteres covered and what temperature you went out at. Any advcie would be great thank you. "

Lawn Treatment

Hi All, I've been asked to offer lawn treatment for many of my customers. I've quoted £50 for anything below 300sqm which is probabaly a bit steep maybe? But that includes product itself, application and watering if needed. How do you price granular…

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5 Replies · Reply by PGM 10 hours ago
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Mower Blade Sharpening

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Hedge Cutting November?

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