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Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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Used van values grows due to shortage of suitable stock

"Latest figures from analysis by British Car Auctions indicates a 10% improvement due to a shortage of good stock.

At £5,654, the average value of a van sold at BCA in October was the second highest on record and just £4 behind the all-time record achieved in August of this year.

Part-exchange values increased sharply, nearly-new values also improved while fleet & lease values stalled slightly over the month.

Year-on-year values remain well ahead by £503 (9.7%), with age and mileage falling. Performance against CAP was down by just over half a point compared to 2013.

BCA’s General Manager – Commercial Vehicles, Duncan Ward, commented “Demand remains strong in the used LCV market, a result of the improving economy and relative shortage of good quality stock. There has been plenty of competition for LCVs that are in ready-to-retail condition and values for the best examples will outstrip price guide expectations by a considerable margin.

“With the demands on the parcel delivery and courier sector growing rapidly as the Christmas season approaches, values for larger panel vans have increased sharply with buyers even paying well over book values for vehicles requiring refurbishment. The budget van sector is also buoyant, with average values for part-exchange stock peaking in October.” "

Source: BusinessVans

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  • Gary, we won't recognise you with the new avatar!

    Although, I do have a penny-farthing sticker in the rear of my van, bought at Portmerion...

  • PRO
    I went there on a school trip when I was young. It had a lasting effect on me ;-)

    Paul McNulty said:

    Gary, we won't recognise you with the new avatar!

    Although, I do have a penny-farthing sticker in the rear of my van, bought at Portmerion...

  • A Porsche at Portmerion. Yesterday.... :-)

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Andy Unwin, Course Manager at Rotherham Golf Club, relies on Mansfield Sand’s MM35 for top dressing, ensuring the greens remain in impeccable condition year-round.

Rotherham Golf Club, established in 1903, is celebrated for its rich history…

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