About the Landscape Juice Network

Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

LJN's professional business forum is unrivalled and open to anyone within within the UK landscape industry

LJN's Business Objectives Group (BOG) is for any Pro serious about building their business.

For the researching visitor there's a wealth of landscaping ideas, garden design ideas, lawn advice tips and advice about garden maintenance.

Rowland Hill




yeah yeah ,  we all know him -  but do we . ??  reiencarnated or


or maybe it was his relative ..Rowlandhill.jpg


General Rowland Hill, 1st Viscount Hill of Almaraz GCBGCH (11 August 1772 – 10 December 1842) served in the Napoleonic Wars as a trusted brigade, division and corps commander under the command of the Duke of Wellington. He became Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in 1829.

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  • 220px-Dernier_carre_de_la_Garde_-_gen_Hill.pngLord Hill invites the last remnants of the French Imperial Guard to surrender, painted by Robert Alexander Hillingford


    220px-Shrewsbury_Column.jpgLord Hill's Column

  • the 'hats' thing was meant to be my crux, but i forgot  ;)     :)

    ROWLY HILL said:

    Same hair style and obviously likes his hats...the similarities stop there.
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In the coastal town of Whitby, Joe Cook wears many hats. Not only is he the Head Groundsman for Whitby Town FC, overseeing the maintenance of their pitch, but he also runs his own gardening business, JC Gardening. In both of his roles, one tool…

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PRO Supplier

Dennis and SISIS, renowned names in turf maintenance, have announced a partnership with the Derbyshire Cricket Foundation.

This collaboration aims to bolster grassroots cricket pitches throughout the county, promising a significant…

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