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Hope this makes sense?!
read this from the leading paving expert
We started block paving in 1985 and have always used a 100mm lean mix concrete base, no sub-base, raked and whacked as above. We still go back to some of the gardens and none have dipped/sunk round MH covers and are as sound as the day they were laid.
I have never put holes in lean mix base ,and never had a problem, done lots of estate roads blockpaved over tarmac subbase with no holes, blockpaving is inpermable one laid properly,so the sand stays moist under blocks.each to there own but i see no point in doing it as a road pin hole will serve little use.
mark harris said:
Has anyone ever had sand go liquid using lean mix with no holes.i doubt you will ever find one
by grit do you mean #capping dust' or sharp-sand ? im a bit stunned at above comments and im no pro!
grit is whats is best to use as laying course for block paving, can be sharp sand or grit mix,