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Cherry Blossom Tree

I have a cherry blossom tree to prune in late summer but the length of each leading branch needs reducing by over 50 % ideally by more to ensure it does not encroach customers neighbours property wall and increase light .

Also lots of criss crossing and rubbing branches to remove  

Is this too much pruning to do in one go for a cherry blossom tree which is 20 feet in height or should the pruning be staggered to give it a chance to recover .



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  • PRO

    If it was me I would remove the crossing branches and only reduce the rest by a third this year and then a third next year.

    • PRO

      Thanks Dave much appreciated .

      I agree the right method . Customer seems more worried about the neighbour than the tree .

  • PRO

    I'd just go for it all now, then give it a tickle in the autumn.

    • I wouldn't, really pushing your luck with silverleaf and the myriad other diseases Prunus are susceptible to.

    • PRO

      It's not advised to prune cherry trees until the weather is warmer to prevent disease.

      • PRO

        Can't say I've ever seen silver leaf in 22 yrs because I don't prune prunus in the winter. The only dease I've seen on cherry is a die back due to old age. With exception a fungal thing that was poor soil related and did recommend to customer not to plant them in that site. I always sanitize my tools, prune after flowering. Work and live in the south of England so the weather's more forgiving.

        In this job sometimes you have to just get shit done regardless of the advice you give.

        • PRO

          Yes it's not always easy to do the right thing for the tree unfortunately whoever planted it put the wrong tree in the wrong place right next to a boundary wall when it was just a small tree .

          Once it's pruned I  can't see it adding any value as it will be too big for it's space and will still be visible to neighbour .

          I have pointed correct pruning method out but I did not get a warm response or agreement to go ahead  

          I suspect tree is doomed but not by my hand .

          • PRO

            If it's right by a boundary wall it sadly needs to come out. Cherries are one of the worst for causing subsidence. People Are such idiots when it comes to planting tree's.

  • I would be cautious about removing more than 30% in any one year.  Yuo should remove crossing etc first, but if his main concern is the neighbour I would reduce this year but tell him you will need to come back next year.

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