About the Landscape Juice Network

Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

LJN's professional business forum is unrivalled and open to anyone within within the UK landscape industry

LJN's Business Objectives Group (BOG) is for any Pro serious about building their business.

For the researching visitor there's a wealth of landscaping ideas, garden design ideas, lawn advice tips and advice about garden maintenance.

Vehicles (256)


Multi van insurance

Good evening/morning,We currently have a panel van and have just purchased a drop side. At the moment we are running these on seperate insurance policies with one named driver. Soon (hopefully, test depending) we will be adding another driver who wil

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Views: 60

Smells in van

I need some more help.

I did a really, really stupid thing. I mowed this huge lawn for a new fortnightly customer. They have no composter and dont want one either. So I bagged the grass up. I had to go over the lawn 3 times because it was so long and

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18 Replies · Reply by Phil Voice Apr 2, 2016
Views: 527


Im looking for a bit of advice. Im currently trying to decide if i should bother with starting up this year. I have been going at it for the past 2 years and in that time i have had 3 vans. Im sitting with a landrover that needs about 500 spent on it

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17 Replies · Reply by Andy Mar 30, 2016
Views: 846

Buying a new van

I am looking for a transit tipper/drop side to run along side the transit panel van we currently have. The ones I've been to view so far have been pretty bad (snapped leaf springs, broken starters, major oil leaks etc) so I am struggling to find anyt

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Views: 78
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Trade green waste centres

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LJN Sponsor


PRO Supplier

ICL Controlled release fertiliser technology has helped to transform the fairways at Coventry Hearsall Golf Club.

Chris Low, the Course Manager at Coventry Hearsall Golf Club, has witnessed outstanding results since introducing ICL’s…

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PRO Supplier

GroundsFest 2024 attendees can look forward to seeing SISIS in Outside Area A on stand number OSA170, where a variety of innovative turf maintenance products will be on display.

This year, the focus will be on three key products: the…

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