About the Landscape Juice Network

Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

LJN's professional business forum is unrivalled and open to anyone within within the UK landscape industry

LJN's Business Objectives Group (BOG) is for any Pro serious about building their business.

For the researching visitor there's a wealth of landscaping ideas, garden design ideas, lawn advice tips and advice about garden maintenance.

Hello everyone,

It's been several years since I've been on here.  And MyGardenSchool has now grown quite a lot.  We're trialling an initiative where we'd like to find 10 people who would be happy to learn together in one class  - and really feel like they would benefit from being taught by some of the best experts in the world (Piet Oudolf, Michael Marriott from David Austin, Dr Noel Kingsbury, Annie Guilfoyle, Dr Toby Musgrave and others).  I would like to offer a select group of Landscape Juice Members this opportunity to trial a course of their choice with us at www.learningwithexperts.com/gardening (you can take your pick from there).  But you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a practising (or aspiring) gardener, landscaper or designer (ideally not formally qualified)
  • Not have experienced MyGardenSchool before
  • Willing to share your experience socially and take photographs of your work

What you will get:    This is an experiment, so we're keen to follow your progress of how you learn and interact as a group, and understand how you interact with your tutors.  

You really will get feedback from Dr Noel Kingsbury personally (or the other tutors you choose to study with).  If more than 10 people want to do this, we will split you into groups.  However we won't make this happen unless there is interest from at least 10 of you (as it's the group dynamic we want to study).  We will need you to pay something towards the course, but once we reach 10+ volunteers we are happy to reduce the price to 50% of our normal rate (eg for Annie Guilfoyle's urban design course, this is a reduction of several hundred pounds).  

Dr Noel Kingsbury and Piet Oudolf are right behind this study (as are the others), and are also producing a new course about the Highline next year.  

I thought I would post on here to gauge interest.  Here is where you can choose your course selection (we are assuming that Piet and Noel, and the higher priced courses will be chosen, as you get £100s off, but that may not be the case.  Please let me know (and happy to discuss on here) if this is of interest.  Or you can email me privately on elspeth@learningwithexperts.com - but I will let people know on here when we reach a group of 10.

Finally once you've all studied together, we like the idea of introducing you in person.  We are currently looking to do a small show garden at Chelsea Flower Show next year, and would like to involve some of this group in it.  

Please post here if you'd like to take part and if we do get 10 of you interested we will start the experiment (I will write back to you with the codes to access classes).  

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  • PRO
    Why would people want to pay £100s to be lab rats? Seems a bit odd to me.
    • I would, always like to learn

    • Hi Richard,

      If it's not for you that's no problem..  Some courses will be far less than £100s with 50% off.  And 1000s of students have been through already, so we know it works well.   We just wanted to study interactions with one cohort from the start, and take some of them right through to a Chelsea Show Garden.  It's not for everybody - but I believe most of our students (and tutors) will tell you it's a very fulfilling experience.   And gives you personal coaching with tutors you'd never normally reach.




      • PRO
        I'm not against learning don't get me wrong. But how do you propose to study group dynamics on a course done online not in a group?
        Good luck with it though
        • It's surprising what can be studied.  If you watch the video above - you'll see what the online classroom is like.  The beauty of the internet is you can measure so many things, quantitatively and qualitatively.  We can measure engagement levels (time on page, bounce rate, number of interactions, class participation), as well as look at satisfaction levels and studying the actual class content via the written dialogue.  I don't want to get too AI techy - but an awful lot can be measured, to help evolve education (we work with Oxford University).  With this group we will also be Skyping them after their online learning experience - to see how it all went. 

  • How could your group of 10 learn in 1 class when potentially spread around the country?

    • Hi Scott,

      Great that you'd like to learn.  We'll pencil you in for if we have another 9 takers.  It's all online.  So our tutors teach from all over the world  can talk to you from on their locations (and students can be located anywhere too). 

      • Another 1 taken so 8 places left now.

        • 7 places left. Will keep you updated.

  • PRO

    I've always wanted to be a lab rat.

    I'd be interested Elspeth. I hear that you want to look at group dynamics, how would that work if people wanted to focus on different courses?

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