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scheduling jobs software/apps

Hello all,

Another query re software/apps for scheduling/time sheets for grounds maintenance. We used Jobber for a couple of years but found it had some limitations for the way we work/internet connection in west of ireland. Has anyone used the G Suite and Google Calendar for this?



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  • Google calendar for me works well but looking for automated invoice system, looked at jobber still deciding.
  • PRO
    I just use my phone calendar and my head normally if I'm honest. I know my route inside out though it's only new clients that have to make a space for that makes things awkward.
  • PRO

    Hi Folks, Looking for some advice here.

    Since 2014, vast majority of our customers are on a standard fixed price per for a fixed 3 hour session.

    Recently a client that I go to almost weekly, whom I rarely see although his wife works from home has started asking...

    15th May 23
    " Please could I ask that each time you visit you drop a note in the post box with a few lines about work undertaken (e.g. hours and any materials used). This then gives me something to validate the invoices against, and should only take a few minutes each time.

      I replied,

     With reference to "each time you visit you drop a note" We have always provided fully itemised invoices covering all materials used. Apart from a few one off jobs, all work (since 2014) has been a fixed price per session. The standard session length (from 2014) has been 3 hours.
    This includes time spent off-site ordering / collecting materials, which we usually don't charge additionally for, except for specific requests.

    The expression 'Garden maintenance' on the invoice is specific to each customer of which an 'overview summary' is to be found on the initial quote. Although gardens & tasks change over time. Generally each session for all gardens, starts with a quick view around the garden, noting any issues. All are tended in rotation, focussing on different areas each time. We are always mindful of seasonal tasks, such as fruit tree pruning. If there are points of concern we highlight these to you.

    Therefore for the above reasons I will not be posting session info on notes.
    Instead I will issue the invoices per session, as we do for most of customers. The invoices will likely be sent the same or next day.

    Today I got this

    If you're not prepared to comply with my request for notice of being on site, I'm not prepared to continue. 
    Its literally 30s...


    I found it extraordinary to receive this.

    I've been working for them for just over two years,we've been in business since 2005 never been asked / demanded of before.

    What do you think I should do or say?

    Was planning to go there tomorrow.

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts


    • I think you should very politely say "ok fine, sorry it had to end like this" and forget it. You gave a firm and reasoned response (which to me was over formal but that's just me and you're obviously a very well organised and professional outfit) and he didn't like it. Maybe he's looking to get difficult anyway. (The "can't see what's been done" attitude. Let him get someone where he can see what they've done and he might regret it.)

      You're well established and successful so why should you get pushed around. There's always one and maybe he's it. Have the morning off and do something useful at home.

      Also, as long as you are polite, there's probably a fair chance of him apologising and things going on as they have done up to now. If that's what you want of course.

    • PRO

      I had a customer flip out for the second time, a while back. That time i walked away. First time resloved it simply by face to face asking how are they and is everything OK. We all suffer from stress and strain, worth cutting some people some slack. If they repeat offend walk away.

      Never been ask to provide a list before, if they did I'd write them an essay containing every Latin plant name and horticultural technical term, Time per task, how many steps. Sending it with an invoice,  description: 20 years professional horticultural knowledge and experience, 40k worth of tools. Total: priceless.

      • PRO

        Thanks for your reply.

        I sent a follow up email, an olive branch as it were.

        It has taken me a week of thinking to answer your email.

        "If you're not prepared to comply with my request for notice of being on site, I'm not prepared to continue." <= I find this both bizarre and extraordinary and I truly don't understand what you are taking issue with. 

        The fact that I send invoices, with the invoice date being the same day as the work day, really should preclude any need for extra notes at the time of the visit.

        The actual time I arrive and depart, could be recorded, but for what purpose?  I am not an employee, I'm not clocking in & out.  My tax arrangements would be very different, and you would be paying my Nat Ins , etc.  The work is a fixed price per session as already stated below.  I do use a 'countdown timer', it is paused if I take a break, it reminds me to leave.

        I feel you are questioning my trustworthiness, I have no need nor desire to 'cheat customers'.  That is categorically not who we are as a business.  We are a professional organisation in every sense of the word.  Our honesty, integrity, reliability and courteousness with all clients and their gardens, is what and who we are.

        "Its literally 30s.." <= It is not a matter of 'not being prepared', rather it would never just be 30 seconds for me.  I have a hand impairment, which makes hand writing slow and difficult to make coherent and readable.  Hence I preferentially use a keyboard to write. 

        It should be relatively clear what tasks I am doing in your garden.  The maintenance of your garden is visually self evident, along with the frequent accumulations of garden waste.

        I would prefer to resolve this issue, as this uncertainty is causing me to miss visits.

        Additional clarity would be welcome, as I feel it would be regretful to end on such a note.

        And he replied

        " It's not a question of trust, but room for error and ability to check. I've had to pay thousands of pounds with literally no way of knowing if its right or not. 
        I'm happy to pay the milk man a direct debit because I know I'll get milk when ordered. By comparison, with you some weeks we get a service, some weeks we don't. I'm left to rely on your 'system' which clearly isn't reliable as otherwise it wouldn't be a multi year invoice. I'm not that keen on weekly/monthly invoices where theres no evidence either. 
        At work contractors sign in and out, so I don't see it as unusual to make the request. You could get a preprinted set of notes and just write the day/month. 
        I'm am grateful for the changes you've made, and I've no doubt the they will give us years of pleasure. However, I think I'd like  to draw it to a close."
        • Was the issue that the 3-hour fixed price sessions occurred at what the client saw as random intervals? And he wasn't always sure what work had been carried out. Definitely he doesn't fit with your business model anyhow

        • PRO

          Reads like he's got money problems and is trying to justify the expenses.

          Good riddens

          • PRO

            There were issues with this work

            they frequently forgot to put the bin out to be emptied & as a consequence the bags that I used as an overflow just accumulated over several months

            they wanted to take them to the tip, but did so very infrequently forcing me adjust my work or donate yet another bag

            I went every wednesday pm, if bad weather went on other days when possible

            out of a possible 100 sessions in first 2 years I went 89 times

            I widened all the borders, added a tonne of soil conditioner, watered the garden, hawthorn hedge height & width  reductions (6ft), privet hedge width reductions (2-3ft), weeded extensive gravel & paved areas, weeded, 3 x25m borders, pruned & trained apple, pear & plum trees, trained grape vine and so on and so on


            • yes a lot of work, i've had this before, the client baulks at the constant costs eventually, not your fault that they have a large garden and wanting it perfect whilst barely lifting a finger themselves

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