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Robust hedge cutter.

Hi, I use a echo long reach hedge cutter which is great, but awkward to use when up ladders cutting the top of a hedge. I need another machine, not long reach, which will also cope with heavy work when doing hedge reductions. What would you recommend? 

Regards, Martin. 

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    Awkward in what way Martin ? 

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      Are you propping a ladder against the hedge ?  You will be too close to the job and it's unstable. 

      I generally use use a henchman or tripod ladder set back from the hedge which I find easier to determine the required height the hedge needs to be and then gradually work into the hedge using a combination of hedge trimmer , pruning saw and loppers . 

      Depends too on the type of hedge eg privet is usually all hedgecutter friendly .

      I actually prefer a long reach and sturdy platform type step ladder set back where it's possible as opposed to a ladder and I prefer not to be too close to a hegetrimner blade at height after having two serious injuries  





  • Martin, we are big Echo fans have their PB770 and PB8010 blowers, off the subject I know, anyway go and handle an Echo HCAS 236 ES -LW which is semi long reach we have 3 of these and use them for everything including fine topiary, they are certainly robust, 2yr commercial warranty ours are now 3yrs old and have been abused chewing through stuff that should be cut with loppers. The blades stay sharp and have been totally reliable . They are highly adaptable with multi angle adjustment and not awkward or cumbersome to use for fine or close work, the length allows us to cut low box hedging runs without bending, hope that helps.

  • I think i might be qualified to answer your question as all i do for 4 days a week till November is cut domestic hedges, i do enjoy cutting hedges.I use only Sthil hedge cutters single sided and long reach range from 6 years old to 1 year old and never had a problem with any of them, i have never brought a spark plug or even an air filter, use Sthil 2 stoke oil with a mixture of B & S Fuel Mix , the only downside is that you can not adjust the blade gap you have to buy a kit at about £30 why they don't fit them in the factory beats me.

    I do have 1 Echo as a backup but i do find it uses alot more fuel than the Sthil.

    My bad i did have a coil go on an old one once.

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Trade green waste centres

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