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Dougie numerous posts on here praising the 537, we have just added a fourth to our collection.
When we went down the route of swapping to 537's we did look at the 476 as we were considering having a mix for smaller lawns, however what put us off was the discharge chute on the 476 is very narrow and substantially smaller than the 537 with the obvious blockage issues. So have only run 537's you will not have an issue with manouverability with a 537 on small areas as they are a light easy to control mower, I would go for the 537 everytime.
Thanks for your reply i was considering the 476 due to having lots of smaller areas to cut for manouverability i did gave the hayter 48 for these lawns and it was cumbersome
We had a variable speed Hayter 48 also, but found it did not like damp grass and could never get the right speed it also had a narrow discharge chute like the 476. The 476 and 537 are both hydrostatic so forward speed is infinately variable ,we use our 537's on some very small lawns that are only 3mt x 2mt without issue
I end up selling the hayter same issue as you had and went back to etesia pro 46 found the hayter a bit on the heavy side aswell
I spoke to my dealer about 537 he said the usa have stopped producing them this year and Europe will be follow soon have you heard this? He said he had a lot of complaints of the wheels being floopy after a year have you experienced this?
Don't know about stopping production and I hope not theres nothing else out there that comes close, if its correct we will go and buy 3 as stock.
As to the wheels, we currently have 3 which are 3 years old and are used commercially averagi g over 30 hours per week, yes the front wheels do develop play after time but not to the extent they are unusable, its an easy cheap fix under £10 to replace a spacer and washer. We have not bothered, some people will complain about anything! They need to get out more and not worry about a bit of play in a wheel
He said he stop getting honda in store due to the production stopping he recommended a weibang instead he said nothing beats it. Thats what i did with the etesa every year replace the washer and spacer and every second year just replaced the wheels just wear and tear
Think your dealer is looking after himself rather than you, he probably has more profit in the Wiebang and more than likely a lot of stock of Wiebang to shift. I would not go anywhere near the Wiebang , read the reviews on Trustpilot. They are heavy, unreliable and do not perform as well as the HRX, we demoed a few not impressed the only upside is the price
I will ask our dealer who is probably the largest in the country whether Honda are stopping the HRX, who also by the way sells Wiebang and report back
I will see if any other local dealers stock honda hrx or just need to order online its mainly the mulch function am interested in no messing about with new blades and plugs i do see plenty of garderners using the weibang might be due to the three year warranty
Dougie. Have spoken to both Honda UK and our dealer, who is one of the largest Honda dealers in the UK neither of them know anything about the 537 being discontinued , where this rumour may have started is from Honda closing their USA factory and transferring production for Europe to France where they have a long established plant, suggest your dealer is bullshitting you and trying to push you into a Wiebang. If the 537 was being stopped dealers would have received a letter or email from Honda stating their intentions -ask him to show it to you and watch him squirm!
As to the 3yr Wiebang warranty I would question based on Trustpilot reviews whether it's worth the paper it's written on, I would look for another dealer who puts you first not his profit margin.