About the Landscape Juice Network

Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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Garden design and build

ive been to a new customer 2 weeks ago.they have been away for 3 weeks on holiday. no time for garden, but have 3 medium sized dogs.the garden is a tip, not touched for 1 yr. hedges un-cut, bind-weed? everywhere. bad access. narrow long drive with no turning.brief is : they have a friend who can do 'decking' !! lolthey want to have a balcony when they have the money, they have a lighting ring around the garden. the side is different level.he states half way through he wants a large brick-wall knocking down so drive is bigger .he would not commit to any budget saying its out of necessity.i said id have a think and phone him back.would you ask if he actually wants me to do a design only or design and build ? (his wife will do plants/pots) and he will cut the hedges ! so no planting scheme is needed.im a bit resiliant as he seems a bit confused, i guess budget is low like most people round here.ive done a basic design and am learning sketch-up.so would you phone and say what ive done/recommend and charge £150 or ask more detailed questionairre and measure up fully/consultation and then make changes they want and charge £300 ? many thanks

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  • If you have not measured up properly then the plan you've already done is worthless!

    I would try and get a full blown design job out of it if you can and put your quote down in writing/a contract prior to doing anything.

    The current un-tidyness of your clients garden may be down to the facts they are either very busy people and don't have the time to garden (hence being able to afford a 3 week holiday) or they don't really care about the garden, are a bit lazy and may be using you to get free ideas before getting their 'mate' to do all the construction work on the cheap. I suspect the latter and advice that you either get some money for the design work or steer well clear.
  • Hi Robin,
    Give him a ring and tell him you have a few ideas, tell him your fee for a consultation, if he only wants to pick your brains he will decline.
  • Yes - youve taken all my thought i think
    i agree.
    think ill just give him a call (if i can find his number !) and say i have a few ideas and have done a rough design and tell him its £150 for a basic design or £300 for full details/and consultation.

    i never realised this side of the business (garden design) , clients etc etc.
    i see how you have to be 100% professional and guard your ideas until a deposit/fee is paid, and again they have to trust you. - i guess this sorts out those clients that are genuine and serious.

    many thanks to all of you guys -rob
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The biggest and strongest Avant loader series is now complete as two highly anticipated loader models have entered production. The Avant 855i is a single-speed version of the…

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