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edging shears problems

Hi, I have had numerous pairs of edging shears and they only last at most a season. The blades only appear to contact one another at the ends with gives a cutting area of about 1 inch, somewhat shorter than the length of the blades. Ay ideas other than trying to bend a distorted blade in the vice, which I have tried with small sucess. I dont think they are blunt just misaligned

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  • They're (very) expensive, but I've never had any problems with ck legend shears.

    I've also got a set of the orange handled professional (p75 or something like that) bacho shears which have also served me well. 

    • Thanks Glen, yes i’ve heard CK are good but expensive, i’ll have to check my bank balance first!

      Maybe the Bahco are a better bet

  • Are they properly tightened?  Shear blades are often slightly curved and sprung, so only touch at the ends when shut.

    • Surley they need to be close together (tightish) all along the cutting point otherwise they are not going to cut well. They just fold the grass over. I’m going to have a good look at them.


      • Must admit dont check them much, also they rattle around in the van with other tools it’s likely/posible they get knocked out of shape


  • They need tightening [or at least checking] on a fairly regular basis. Ideally they should be fitted with a Nyloc nut. Sometimes these need replacing. Other than that – threadlock.


  • Got the CK with adjustable length handles, just fantastic quality . Have bought numerous other brands over the last 40 years, none last or stay sharp. 

    Around £60 inc vat for the CK adjustable handle model.

    • these could be the answer, thanks

  • I have had the same pair for well over 20 years, no idea of the make. But they are sprung so that when closed there is a 2-3mm gap in the middle, when opened & cutting the blades run over each other. As long as yours are sharp they should be fine. One thing I tend to do regulary, especailly if the grass is damp is run my fingers (carefully) down both sides of the blades to remove grass & a bit of mud etc.

  • I use Bahco P75 shears and find them excellent. The blades hold an edge well and give a good clean cut, which makes for a much better job all round. 

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