I seem to be doing nothing but hedge cutting this time of year and I've just landed another job which involves 4-5 days of work for two of us cutting established yew topiary hedging. So, the time has come to invest in a tripod ladder. I have used a 16' Henchman and 8' Niwaki and have to say I prefer the practicality of the Henchman's 3 adjustable legs and "crow's nest" platform. For these reasons I am drawn towards the Henchman. I am aware of other brands that offer 3 adjustable legs, but lack the platform.
So, which Henchman? I think the 12" should cover what I need, ideally I'd have a 6" one too, but no budget for that as well! The 16' I had use of was from their 'standard' range and seemed to built adequately enough for trade use, is the professional option worth the extra money and weight increase? The standard 12' is £475, the professional is £525. I know it's only £50, but it's already a lot for a ladder!
I think I have made my mind up, but it would be good to hear from anyone that has used both the standard and pro models and see what they think. I'm still not completely against another brand, so if anyone has used both a Henchman and another manufacturer's and could recommend another, then I'd be interested to hear their views too.
Views: 354
Hello Sean, I have only the standard one so cant actually comment on the use of both versions side by side but isnt it only the user weight is increased on the pro version? Im slim and skinny so well under the weight limit.
When I purchased mine there was a discount code on here for 15% off, it may still work :-) search "Henchman discount" and you'll see the post (if not already). If it works then youll get the pro for less than a standard, so happy days.
Thanks for the reply Jonathan. According to their website, both ladders are rated for 150kg, looks like their pro version is just built a bit tougher. I'm careful with my kit, so I think I'll be ok with the 'standard' model.
I remember the discount code from before, I used it to help a client buy the 16' ! Unfortunately the same code no longer works and I can't find any current deals. I may end up buying through BPS Access, at least they throw in some rubber feet and a lifetime guarantee!
Have you tried Browns ladders Sean ? They seem much cheaper for the henchman and when i bought mine the rubber feet came free as long as you remember to click add to cart , delivery was very fast ,
I've checked their website and they are the same as BPS, might come down to who's got one in stock and can get it to me quickest!
Henchman every time! We have always only used the Pro, so I can't comment on its comparison, but my rule of thumb usually is, 'get the best you can afford'. We had the same dilemma on which size to go for, and ultimately decided on what could fit in our largest van, or on our trailer safely. We went for the 12'.
Thanks for the reply Richard. I think the 12' Henchman is the one for me. I agree with getting the best one can afford, however going above the £500 might just push my missus over the edge!
The wallet's £525 lighter tonight, but there's a 12' pro Henchman on it's way to me. Better be worth it!
It will save you that much inte alone within a few uses.