At the beginning of every year we are told to set out our goals and write down our New Year’s resolutions, and they look great on paper but within a few days are often forgotten.
But for a change instead of focussing on things you 'should' do, what if you take a look at things you no longer want to do, and target these instead?
It could be putting an end to the hours you spend on paperwork each month, and instead finding an accountant or other service that can free up your time.
Or do you get asked to do small garden designs, but know that it takes you a lot fo time and is not something you enjoy doing, so maybe it is time to wotk with a designer.
Also what have you stopped doing in your business in the past that has really benefited you, and more importantly how did you go about doing it so that others might be able to try similar?
Ultimately the plan is to focus on things you want to do that benefit you and your business, getting rid of the time wasting tasks that zap your energy, and enabling you to increase your revenue and hopefully feel much more fulfilled in life in general.
Views: 463
happy new year to all, and not wishing to split hairs, but as I always understood it, new year's resolutions can include things you either intend to do, or refrain from doing. In my case this may include turning down new maintenance work. Where the initial task will fit in with my existing jobs. But if the client is pleased they always threaten you with more !
I tend to make more resolutions the older I get there is a growing list of things I can no longer do or want to do .
Learning to say no has become a habit but interestingly also the key to survival and more enjoyable work experience .