Hi everyone, I hope it's okay for us to post this here (and apologies if we've got the wrong section).I wanted to let the members of Landscape Juice Network know about a campaign we're currently running, where we're encouraging people to #TakeTheLeap and start/grow their business in 2020. And to help, we're giving away £10,000 to one lucky person.
We know just how important small businesses and self-employed people – like lots of you – are to the UK. You're vital to our economy, provide employment, and keep local communities running. But worryingly, small business optimism is at an eight-year low, and recent research suggests over 600,000 small businesses could go under in 2020. When it comes to starting or running a business, research suggests finance in particular can be a challenge. That's why we wanted to help, by giving away £10,000, and encouraging others to #TakeTheLeap this year. You can enter the competition here – just tell us a bit about your business, and how the money would help.If anyone's got any questions please just shout! But otherwise, here's to 2020 being a successful year for all of you and your businesses

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