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This is a first... what would you do?

I have just received a call from a neighbour of a client who we visited today - he says I scuffed his car with the van. I am 100% sure I didnt - there was no radio on in the van, quiet narrow road, the window of the van was open a bit  - and I was going walking speed down the road to park - straight in, no reversing. But apparently I was the only van that parked there today - and the scratch wasn't there this morning. What would you be your approach to that???

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  • PRO

    Would you not have a mark on the van?

    • PRO

      I would have thought your wing mirrors would have made contact before vehicle bodies made contact . 

      I live on a very narrow lane and its always wing mirror contact first . 

      T cut might remove a scuff , Anything deeper should contain paint work as proof of contact .


  • PRO

    THere's marks from gate posts and the like all over the van Busy Bee.... 

    Apparently I scraped the car as I pulled into the parking place.... I certainly do not have any white paint (the colour of his paint) on the van.

    I've notified the insurance and will go across to have a look and meet the bloke on Saturday .... 

    • PRO

      Cheaper to get a mobile repair specialist like chips away to repair any damage , doesnt affect your policy . 

      Without an eye witness very difficult to prove you are responsible but when you live on a quiet narrow lane you tend to be aware of all movement , I have being clipped a few times and accidently clipped neighbours vehicles but its always superficial damage . 





  • Although he says the scratch wasn't there in the morning, I would imagine it could well have been.  How many of us spot a new dent/scratch on their vans and have no idea whether it was today or last week?  I'd have a look at the "scuff" and see how it matches your van for a point of contact.  If you're certain you didn't do it and he didn't see you do it, he really doesn't have a case against you. 

  • Sounds like he is trying it on if you ask me. Not sure the motivation . Have a look at the angles of supposed collision and try and work out if it was even possible. John 's point about the wing mirrors could prove important. fairly bold accusation in fairness.  The burden of proof is on him to prove it was you. How does he know you were the only van there today. Was he watching the car space literally all day?could a delivery van/post van etc  have been in the area, delivery vans mostly white no? Maybe it happened at the supermarket but he never noticed until today, sure you could go on forever with this. If your certain there's nothing to answer in my opinion.


    • Here, here!!

  • Simple (in theory!), if you are 100% sure you didn't do it, just say that. There's nothing they can do about it. As others have said, it should be easy to prove by measuring the height and position of the scratch and seeing if there are any marks on yours that match. Don't offer to this this though as you may be unlucky and have an unrelated mark on the van that fits the bill!

    Good luck. It's agro that you don't need this time of year!

  • do you have a dashcam if so look to see which way the car was parked when you passed and you might see if there was a mark before you passed 

    as others have said it mitght have been another delivery van that had don it even befor you arrived 

  • PRO

    With all respect to the neighbour 

    I would ask to see the damage and give no indication of admitting fault 

    I see more elderly folk with damage on than vans in the villages most of my paintwork body damage is from pulling hard over into a hawthorn hedge to get by a tractor 

    if you drive s van daily, at 10 mph I can't see you clipping him 

    ask for house cctv or the likes but deny u did it 

    I doubt £300 will pay for the repair. He's trying it on. If you don't work for him I wouldn't worry. When u go Saturday ask the neighbors if they saw anything Thursday. He might try it on all the time. Ask the postman. My postie friend gets blamed all the time.

    He may be genuine but I'm doubtful you'd collide at 10 mph 

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