About the Landscape Juice Network

Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

LJN's professional business forum is unrivalled and open to anyone within within the UK landscape industry

LJN's Business Objectives Group (BOG) is for any Pro serious about building their business.

For the researching visitor there's a wealth of landscaping ideas, garden design ideas, lawn advice tips and advice about garden maintenance.

Hi Everyone,

Having given this much thought and looking at the business in more detail, and with the advice and conversations I have had, I have decided that although i like the idea of mowing lawns, its probably best sticking to my own lawn.

Logisitics around owning vans, storing equipment etc and the potential risk of breakins at my property have put me off and i have no desire to rent a facility.

It was all looking good up untiil that point!

Instead I am going to pursue another direction which plays into my many years of experience in sales and marketing (social media/facebook/google/ppc advertising) and offer this to small companies. I do this already with my own company and so in reality i am my own first customer. I will also get to meet clients and get into specifics of their businesses and potentially give advice 'outside of the box'.

So i would like to thank all of you for your valuable contributions and helping me.  If you want to grow your business using social media then feel free to contact me.

if you want to buy grasslines.net - its for sale for £239,000 :-)

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  • PRO

    So all that was a sales pitch aye? 🤣

    • if it was, then its one of the most time consuming pitches ive ever done in my entire life! so in a word... no!


      • PRO


        David judging by your previous enthusiasm there is another way....

        Put a few hand written cards in post offices and shop window's in February for a few months, eg 'David's mowing'. Just chill and let it grow organically. By the end of may your be most likely flat out.

        You don't need a van, just a good mower/ strimmer etc and maybe some insurance.

        I started with a ford fiesta a mower a strimmer and a few hand tools. 14yrs later I'm on my second van, I have a trailer and a massive amount of awesome tools. Thankfully no staff!


    • you gonnna miss me Charles?!

  • That's ridiculous for a web address that has no website or has had no visitors. 

    With my hosting service i can buy a .net address  for £16

    • It was just a joke Jim? im sure most people got that. there's always a few that dont.

      • Ha Ha Then 

        • but i wont say no if someone offers it haha


  • PRO

    Ahh! The joys of owning a company that has a tangible product or a provides service that can be seen by all and that requires physical labour, tools, materials and experience to deliver the customer expectations.

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