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Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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  • PRO

    They could be anybodys......I cover all my gear in paint. Everything of mine gets covered in bright paint. All my stihl gear, mowers, hand tools, boxes, everything. If they are gonna nick it they are gonna have to spend hours cleaning it up and if the police recover it, its easy to id as mine.  I also think it will make selling it on more difficult.

  • i think stihl have a stolen database so the serial numbers can be cross checked back to the origanal buyer 

    • PRO

      ....if they've not been ground off already...:(

      If so, shows why addtional marking (SelectDNA, SmartWater, Datatag etc) is vital.

      (ps. Stihl/SurreyPolice do work together in respect of returning stolen goods)

      • This is something I've been thinking about, as I have recently renewed quite a bit of kit. Any recommendations for additional marking either personally, police or insurance companies? Thanks. 

  • Gary any idea how smart water ect  stands up over time with the riggers of outdoor life ?

    • PRO

      I’ve only used SelectDNA on our landscaping gear and it’s quite resilient.

      You need to apply / paint on to core items of the piece of equipment out of the way  - ie bits that can’t be easily / cheaply replaced  like shrouds, covers etc.

      We chose to apply to cylinder heads / cooling find / crankcase etc as well as handles etc. The ‘warning’ stickers we place on flat surfaces where they won’t get easily worn off,

      The paint initially looks like PVA glue but is epoxy based and dries almost clear. It shows up under the scanner and/or UV light with the DNA embedded.

      Datatag, I’ve only used personally on my motorbike and have sensors embedded in key, non accessible areas.

      Most police forces have the scanners, so recovered gear is generally scanned and referred back to their online database.

  • I had my Stihl hand held blower stolen this weekend while I was cutting a hedge at the local church. I've had the blower for about 7 years and it is the first thing i've had stolen, I think I've just been complacent but it has been a wake up call to be more vigilant.

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