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Stihl cordless hedgecutters HSA86 Blades query

Hi All. I have a problem re-assembling the blades on my hedgecutter. I found them siezed after Winter so stripped them down and gave them a scrubbing after soaking them in resin remover. I put the blade assembly back  together and when I tighten the 7 screws  (that hold both blades and spacer), the machine doesnt run. If I slacken the screws the blades operate fine. Am I missing something? I can't use them or the loose screws would vibrate out and I can't tighten the screws as it binds the blades? I seem to have missed something? I checked my Combi long reach blades and they are fixed with nut, washer and bolt, and pretty tightly. 

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  • hi there are a lot of washers and sliders involved sounds to me like one mis aligned at the gearbox end maybe the big one is the culprit

  • You've probably omitted one or all the sliders....... they sit between the blades in the blade clamping bolts........... heres the parts diagrams so you can see whats missing  https://www.m-jardin.fr/wp-content/plugins/pdf/web/viewer.php?file=...   I'd tighten the bolts up one by one and run the machine............ you'll quickly find which bolt/spacers are causing the problem

  • PRO Supplier

    the old HS80 bolts were soft metal and when you tightened them, they crimped slightly so they stayed put, but if you removed them then put them back they never stayed tight. Also the nuts had some paint on which helped them stick - try a dab of nail varnish on each and let it dry before re-assembling - stops them vibrating loose

  • All good advice, thanks guys. Looks like a job for the bank holiday! I'll strip it down again and follow the diagram to see if I've missed something. Thanks again all.

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Trade green waste centres

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