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Problems choosing a plant for an established hedge

I seem to be struggling to find  a place to buy plants that are fairly established.

I am looking for a cost effective hedging that  is already 50cm or taller, and would need 3-4  plants per metre.

Ideally small leaved, which is why I originally went for Ilex Crenata, but then changed to Euonymus Green spire/rocket due to price.

Now I have been told the most established Euonymous around is about  5 litres and only 40-50cm.~

Considering larger leaved now, so what would everyones reccommendations be given it needs to be  reasonably priced and established.




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  • Grisellinia litoralis?

    • PRO

      yew, portuguese laurel, eleagnus -- beech, hornbeam, privet -- with any choices if you prep the ground well and feed well in the first two years the growth rate will be very good --

      • Privet seems a good option. Fairly small leaves, and good budget.

        Havent done any hedging with this before though, is there anything I should know?


        • PRO

          privet can grow quite fast so can need mutiple cuts in the year to keep it tidy -- i agree with tony - does the client have any requirements for the hedge ? Yew and Port laurel are quite formal and neat , beech and hornbeam quite country -- privet may seem cheapish but if you go for large ones it will soon add up ! 

  • It may be an idea to see if there are any specifics required. Evergreen, Flowering, easy maintenance, eventual height etc. All the suggestions so far are good but normally, the price is quite a consideration.

  • Privet is the most common garden hedge in the UK for a reason. Easy to establish, good growth, evergreen, tough, easily trimmed to whatever shape/width desired. 

  • Choysia ternata with regular pruning, twice a season maybe 3 for smallest leaves,  is very nice. If its shady try viburnum tinus 'eve price' . The choysia will also tolerate shade and as long as the grounds reasonable will fly along.


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