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Peugeot Expert’s Fundamental Flaw

Was broken into yesterday with £2000 worth of tools taken and wasn’t aware how stupidly easy it is to break into these things -- 2015 model and was completely baffled how they broke in without causing any damage to the doors until I came across this video a few minutes ago --


I was thinking of reinforcing the rear doors earlier in the season but thought against it until the 2021 season, although if you’re not aware of this fundamental flaw (same applies on Citron Dispatch), I strongly recommend you get your doors reinforced ASAP!!!

For anone's ear to the grond.....Stihl HL 94 C (two seasons old), Stihl FS 94 C (season old), Stihl HS87r 40 inch (four months old), Stihl BG 86 C (season old), based in Greater Manchester UK

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  • I've got the same van. Thankfully it came with extra locks, but I've never used them...best go find the keys!. 

    Thank you for posting this and sorry to hear you got broken in

    • PRO

      Sorry to hear this Mark , My citreon was non destructively compromised four times and gear stolen . 

      I have added extra locks , I went for effective locks which act as a visual deterrent to prevent damage to the vehicle and not had any attempts since , i figured bolstering the internal locks  might enhance security but could still invite attack as they are hidden . 

      Main thing for me though is to stop them taking whats inside the van so built an internal cage which is locked and alarmed . 

      Takes up valuable space in the van and makes the side door useless . 

      Also add a steering lock so they wont take the van .

  • I always recommend the "limpet" round locks thatbolt on the outside........... I've 2 with one on the back and one that locks the side door to the passenger door................ great visual deterent and pretty much thief proof.............. decent ones are about £40 from Wickes. I quite appreciate though that if you've a nice new van, you might not want to disfigure the doors with fitting them.  I never leave anything of value in the van overnight............. always fit the "limpet" locks at night and during the day if I'm parked in a "vulnerable" place.  

  • The key of course ( sorry! ) is not to leave anything overnight in it.  A habit I got into early on when my old pug van locks failed, leaving it permanently unlocked.  Scumbags will still break in whatever locks are fitted, side doors are just peeled down to gain entry as well.

  • ...just tried to do what they did in the video above, no way could I open anything, mines a different year but same shape though.  Could you open yours?

    Without doing a Google search and me an old cynic, they are trying to sell you extra locks! 

    • 2015's are super flimsy, definitely agree on the marketing ploy... 

  • PRO

    Sorry to hear of your troubles. I suggest you join the VATTA (Van and Tool Theft Awareness) forum on Facebook - it is a real eyeopener on just how poor van security is.

    • 100%

  • Thanks for your comments guys, some real good food for thought! Actually happened around midday in a public carpark under a CCTV and lots of vehicles have been targeted there lately apparently, although as mentioned, a good visual deterrent on the doors would have put them right off..... luckily got the cars full details but who knows whether they’re fake plates or if the car was stolen etc? Walking back to the van and seen them loading the last item into the car and ran at them like a man possessed and could only kick the passenger door nearly off its hinges as it drove at me, just hope it connected with his fingers or legs as a trade-off :) Certainly been an interesting year that’s for sure!! Thanks again guys.

    • Problem with midday in a carpark is that they know you'll have all your tools in the van so they're pretty sure to get a good haul ............particularly if the van is signwritten.  . Before I fitted the  "limpet" locks, I used to run a heavyduty cable through all the Stihl gear handles etc and secure it with a padlock to one of the anchor rings in the van floor. 

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