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Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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Lesser celandine

Hi, an area of communal grass that I look after has quite a lot of celandine in, which of course is now flowering. Now that it's time to start mowing, would it be best to mow it down along with the grass or leave it to finish flowering. While it may look pretty I am aware that it spreads and I don't want it taking over the whole area. We do like to keep the grass quite short and quite formal, it's not meadow grass. Just wondered if any of you have had a similar issue and what's the best way to proceed. 

Kind regards, Martin.

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  • PRO

    Let it flower it won't show its face for long once it's flowered and warms up. Early pollinators will enjoy it. Apply a granular or spray to treat but it hardly is an issue to be honest 

  • PRO

    Its one of those plants thats near impossible to truely get rid of. Give it a few weeks and it will disappear for the year anyway.

  • Thanks for the advice. Sometimes difficult to know what to do for the best on communal areas- you're unlikely to please everyone! I decided to leave an area of celendine for the insects/ pollinators and take the rest down with the grass so there's still some nicely mown area. Hopefully a good compromise. 

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GroundsFest 2024 attendees can look forward to seeing SISIS in Outside Area A on stand number OSA170, where a variety of innovative turf maintenance products will be on display.

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