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Kubota pro mowers

Hi All. I'm looking to add another roller mower to the business. There are currently some really good offers on the Kubota Pro. My local dealer sells tons of the bigger Kubota stuff so that's handy. Can anyone confirm this mower is the same design as the HondaPro/Lawnflite/Kaaz machines?  The engine is the regular Honda but I wonder about the running gear, gearbox, rear roller etc. The stuff you hear about going wrong on those machines. Or is it worth just paying the extra couple of hundred for Honda in the hope their running gear is better quality?

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  • PRO

    Kubota pro W821R - I had one new in 2016.

    The gearbox is slightly different to some of the other variants as it is 'high speed' and the crown wheel and pinion internally are different.

    The clutch engage mechanism at the handle end is different in an attempt to improve the gearbox life - it is a postive engage that cannot be 'slipped'.

    Mine to be fair had from (from memory) a couple of drive cables (one due to incorrect fitting by dealer), also had a gearbox pinion and crownwheel, a plastic recoil centre and some roller bearings after two seasons use.

    So did the lawnflite Pro I had before that.

    Gearboxes on these CAN be repaired without any special tools, its fiddly but can be done - any delaership that tells you that you 'need a new gearbox' just wants the easy task of fitting a high ticket price item.

    Honda parts/Kaaz/Lawnflite parts generally interchange - just because its badged as one thing or another means little. The Honda machine is just more expensive but no -one seems to be able to justify why.

    • Thanks Adam, that's pretty much as I thought. There is certainly money to be saved on the variant models.Do you know if a high lift blade can be fitted on these machines?

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      • PRO

        Tony - Kubota don't offer a high lift blade - the original one supplied with the mower will be 'low noise' with holes in the blade wings.

        We ran aftermarket blades with solid wing tips (instead of the drilled ones). Not high ligh as such but will make the grass bag so heavy with wet grass you won't be able to lift it!

        From our records we paid circa £1100 for our machine in 2016.

      • PRO

        L&S engineers sell a high lift blade that fits Kaaz type mowers I think its sold as a Honda LM530 or something like that but it will fit your 21 inch kubota.

  • PRO

    Tony - If you're tempted by a Honda then take a look at the HRD 536. We've used these for years now and they're a good machine especially if you're on your own.They are lighter and easier to move around than the pro version as well as being cheaper. When I used to use one alone I got 4 - 5 seasons out mine before any major issues like gear box or roller occured .

    You can't get a high lift blade as far as I'm aware but we get the revs tweaked up and they're OK in damp conditions where the grass isn't too long.

  • Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm popping into L and S tomorrow and while I'm there I'll check the hi lift blades will fit. If that's the case I'll order up a Kubota Pro.

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