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A case for Pleached trees surely ?
Interweb thingy picture .....
Possibly multiple large wisteria in 500litre pots. Not cheap but very fast growing and possibly wire between the plsnts to encourage it sideways.
One impressive solution i know of is a row of very tall standard photinias , cost a fortune but they did not want anything deciduous .
my personal favourite is pleached hornbeam
A place i go where privacy is important and they could afford anything chose artificial boston ivy and looks very impressive .
Well John,
In my experience Photinas will drop leaves like its going out of fashion, also prone to disease. The evergreen oak is magnificent pleached!! Not cheap mind!
Agree......certainly if Photina is 'stressd.
Shows why it is important to understand a client's expectations and importantly budget.
Client's often have Champagne tastes, but Lemonade budgets :)
Yes they will shed in fact they look nice and self supporting but property owner had doubts once they were planted but not my idea .
Evergreen holm oak is often overlooked its a magficient choice again though i have seen them shed tons of brown leaves .
Another factor is in some areas you are only allowed to plant trees and shrubs native to the area .
Hi Lake,
The wisteria will need a fair bit of maintenance I'd say. We had them growing up scaffolding like supports on an apartment complex before . They were about 7-8m High. It can look very wild but that can be OK if its off set by formal shapes below.I think in a garden situation you'd have to really be on top of the maintenance, otherwise all the neighbours will 'enjoy' it too.
In the scenario here though 20 m x 4 m high
wisteria will cover the area adequately and still be manageable? I've country homes that have 8 level espaliered displays and they only have two prunes and 2 trims a year. It only needs to be there 5 years then moved in its pot elsewhere
i spy yew that in 5 years will adequately screen the view