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Founded in 2008. The Landscape Juice Network (LJN) is the largest and fastest growing professional landscaping and horticultural association in the United Kingdom.

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How much?

Genuinely enquiring for a friend, I haven't got the kit, or any inclination to do this. He's in Hampshire.

Currently it takes 3 people 1.5 days to do the high privet hedges around his garden, 1 side and top....measured in acres.

The waste is dealt with onsite (a big bonfire that he deals with when its dried out), and the ground is near enough level. What sort of money would you charge?

Just an indicative price ....personally I'm thinking circa £1500, your thoughts?




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  • PRO

    Should have said, high is about 12 to 14'

    • PRO

      Also depend on the width of the top, that takes the most time and effort when hedge trimming. 

      And how long is a days work? 8am to 6pm or 9am to 4pm?

  • probably a grand to 1200

    • PRO

      Exactly my thinking, when a few others have had a go. I'll let you know what he's been paying

  • £1500 seems fair.

  • PRO

    Around £1500 depending on ground levels and access 

    • PRO

      Depends on quality of finish with privet if it's wide  and requires a nice level flat top and sides or a slash and burn job .

      That said !

      I suspect a team of Three would be asking for £750 each for a day and a half work total £2250 .

      • £500 for each person a day??  You must be joking!! 

  • reasonableness of price and time scale of work would also depend on whether they have invested in specialist equipment or if it's a rickety step ladder job

    • PRO

      True it could be a Three or Five day job for entry level gardeners with rickety ladder .

      The one and a half day crew could be super efficient and invested in equipment to give them the edge and do a stunning job .

      Sometimes efficiency can command a premium price and they may not even be desperate for the work . 

      I have learned it's not always the lowest quote which wins the work .

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