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Hayter 41 pro.

Hi, purchased a hayter 41 pro 2 months ago and I thought I'd share my thoughts. For a small machine it's heavy, but I guess that's necessary for a roller mower. It 'feels' bigger than a 41 to use due to the solid build. Has a Honda engine which I know will last and start reliably, It's quick, at full tilt it's hard to keep up but you can feather the drive lever to your desired speed easily. Gives a lovely finish. The grass sn't thick yet, and I haven't tried it on wet grass as we have had little rain here in Notts. But so far I can see it being a very useful addition to the toolkit. They seem expensive for a 16" machine but it looks like being worth every penny. 

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  • We're in our third season with one now. Overall we've been happy with it for the reasons you state, and the size is ideal for the vast majority of our domestic work. However it does struggle with wet grass, really quite badly at times. We carry 2 mowers and our other one, a Stihl, comes out when the grass is very wet. We will buy another one when it needs replacing as we really like it, but i'm not sure if we would or not if we were to only carry 1 machine.

  • Bought one last year. Really impressed with it. Overall I don't think it's too bad in the wet. I've had far worse mowers. Would definitely buy another

  • I have the 48pro, assume it's the same but bigger, beautiful build quality, too fast at full tilt and hopeless in the wet so use an Etesia pro 46, unstoppable in the wet but no stripes. If I could only have one machine it would have to be the Etesia here in Cumbria  


    • I try not to mow when it's too wet although sometimes it's unavoidable. I also run a Toro 22" recycler which handles the bigger stuff with ease. If I could only have one machine it wouldn't be the hayter but along with the Toro I have quite a good pair of machines. 

  • What sort of reaction have you had from customers on the stripes? Is it worth investing in a Hayter - ie how much do customers value clean stripes compared to vague stripe effect from eg an Izy with rubber flap?

    • It depends on the lawn really, spectacular results can be achieved on some lawns but it certainly can take longer. 
      I use the Hayter roller in the dry on suitable sized/smooth lawns and the Etesia in the wet and difficult shaped areas. 

      The customers who said that they weren't bothered about having stripes all now love them, and don't want to go back. 

      If I could only have one machine it would have to be the Etesia however as the roller is hopeless in the wet. 
      As I live in the Lake District it does get wet. 

    • Hi, to be honest I've not had a lot of feedback yet, the Toro does more work than the hayter. I work at one very large property which has a nice flat lawn in front of the house and they love the striped effect, in that setting it does a  great job. I suppose some folk see the hayter and recognise it as a quality brand so it looks good. I have had izy mowers and I think they are a better all rounder, I just fancied adding s roller to my toolkit and a dealer near me had the hayter at £600 inc. (last year's model). Someone did tell me though that once you start giving people stripes it's hard to go back to a 4 wheel machine as they still want stripes. Regards, Martin.

      • I couldnt get away without striping 90% of my lawns. The only lawns the 4 wheelers come out for are the tiny rentals or the roughcut areas. I do keep a small honda roller mower (not a pro mower), for the really small lawns where the pro machines are too heavy.

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