Quick heads up - anyone interested in furthering their training and knowledge ...we are running a very rare FACTS course to equip managers, groundsmen, turf specialists, sole traders etc with high level knowledge on fertiliser and nutrient planning for the care and maintenance of turf. It is primarily aimed at sports and amenity turf, but the lessons are broad-spec and can be applied to most situations where grass is grown, maintained or specified...Its 4 days in length, done in two blocks of two days with a BASIS certified exam & panel on the fifth day.
Its running in January 2020 at our training centre in LINCS (PE910 9LF) and we only have a couple of spots free: 16 & 17th Jan + 23 &24 Jan2020 are the training days. Exam is likely to be 6th Feb.
To read more, see our website listing or give us a call - on passing you will be a Certified FACTS Advisor and on the BASIS register so its something to set you apart from the crowd. Even if you maintain and care for domestic lawns the course will give you the confidence to advise and plan treatments for nutrients to get the best out of the turf and minimise disease stress.
See HERE for more info
Progreen: 01778 394052
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