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Bosch Rotak 43Li Ergoflex problem

I've been using the mower for the last 3 months for the smaller gardens the end of last week it was intermittenly cutting out, used for one lawn this morning then on the second one it wouldn't start. All the batteries are fully charged tried a different battery still same, checked  the battery compartment it looks ok no debris in there. 

Any ideas, thanks


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  • hi Chris I have had several of these use one almost daily first thing to check of course is the red safety key is in correct position. assuming you have the later syneon chip ergoflex model after pressing the central button i find 2 of the triggers need to be held down as just using one can cause cutting out. have seen spare central switches for sale on ebay so guess that might be a common fault

    • Hi Billybop, the red key is in the correct position and when I was using it both triggers were held in. I'll have to contact Bosch or the dealer see if they can help, it's a shame because it's been an ideal mower for the smaller gardens and produced a better finish on the lawns than the 16'' Izy, and lifting up and down steps where the weight of it is another bonus.

      • If the blade is free to turn and you have done everything else, checked wire from handle not damaged etc, then it might be a fault either in the handle switches or the controller inside the mower body. or even the brushless motor, never had one go bad myself in 10 years of using these bosches but its not impossible for any machine to fail prematurely

        • these rotak's a domestic machine really so up to you if you tell dealer you were doing jobs with it as not sure its covered. In my experience Bosch require faulty kit to be sent back by courier, I think they provided labels at their own cost for a couple of chargers i had that broke, they were under a professional warranty however

          • I took the centre switch cover off and had a look and moved things about put it back together and it started up, used it for 4 gardens this morning then on the fith one it started cutting out again. Ordered a switch off ebay going to try that, at least the motor is ok.


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