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Beech Hedge quote

Hi everyone 

I know people don't give their pricing figures away but can anyone give an idea of how to price a reduction and waste removal of a beech hedge that needs reduced by 2ft.

length: 100m

height 8ft


just a guide really would help.



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  • without seeing it, very difficult to say.  Is it thin growth that can be done with a hedgecutter or iis it a hedge thats been reduced before and you're having to cut through thick stems with a saw/chainsaw? How dense is the hedge? How are you disposing of the waste?  So many variables that can make a huge difference on the price.  

    • it would have to be done with a long reach hedge trimmer and pole pruner ....waste disposed of 2 mile from job at waste disposal centre.

      the denseness varies ...cheers for commenting , I was just wondered if people had a certain guide.

      I heard from a friend that the company he works for charges £250 for 25m as a rough guide.

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Trade green waste centres

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