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Adverse weather management

On this snowy wet morning and mixed weather forecast ahead it got me thinking How do others manage their work schedule during prolonged spells of adverse weather ? 

Do you still contact customers to point out the bad weather and re schedule or take it for granted they can see for themselves ? 

Do you make a courtesy call ? 

Catch up with office work ? 

Sharpen and maintain tools ? 

Do you turn up regardless ?

or just enjoy the down time ? 

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  • PRO

    Our customers generally appreciate that we will make a judgement call on wheter it is safe or practical to work in their gardens. IE today its not and other days this week werent great either.

    If a date has been arranged specifically, then they will be contacted and let know we are not coming and will reschedule.

    Ongoing maintenance have it in the contract that in case of adverse weather or where it is not practical to carry out works (ie will make more mess than it will help clean up), their visit will either skip to next week (if weekly) or we will try to fit in in ASAP if fortnightly.

    As for spare time, whats that? Got a home workshop full of jobs, some of which have been waiting a year or more!

  • PRO

    If its raining or snowing ( we're soft Southerners) - or its above 30 deg  we do not do gardening. We keep a small list of "wet weather" jobs - the current one is fitting out a s  mall Gun Room at a client's house. It would have to be wet for a good couple of days before that gets attention... if its just a single wet day, its paperwork, tool care... or a lay in, lunch time pint and not a lot else :) :)

    • Soft Midlander here, I must admit, if it gets to even 25 degrees it's pints under a parasol time. Had my first Sunday off today since April as too cold to work on one of my other side lines (Sunday markets) usually I'm on my way well before 5 a.m. to go set up but didn't fancy it today, nice to spend time with the family instead. My garden maintenance clients appreciate that they will hardly see me for the next few months, still got plenty of odds and ends to finish off though, but only when the weather suits

      • PRO

        Had to postpone all work this week due to storm Arwen , more wet weather forecast ,customers agree too wet to be on site but its pushing catch up towards xmas , possibly beyond realistically .

         As said though no such thing as free time lots to do at home .

  • With the wet weather it really depends on the day for me and what's on.. so long as I'm not damaging a garden then I'll tip away with the winter hedge pruning , leaf clearing tree felling and pruning  and like today sodding weeding  in a city garden where I can keep off the borders There's always my own sad garden to renovate , and this year is gonna be THE year to transform it into a gold medal winning Chelsea exhibit!!.😀

    If I can't drive the van because of the cold then it's Netflix and not much else... I ain't gonna lie!!

  • I'll  contact if I've give them a time and date which is rare cause I am so unsure about the weather . It were covered in snow yesterday so nothing done or today it rained all day and melted the snow hoping to go out tomorrow, I am in no rush when it get to this time of year I don't have enough work over winter to make it worth going out in adverse weather .  Clients know I'll turn up when I can and when the weather right / suitable,  I've been palnting a gazzion daffs last friday but not sure when I can finish it frost forecast so I'll justt turn up when its best.    I don't mind the cold but not the dreary wet days .

    Today I've had a lay in and some house work planed a door down, took one of the handles off and the bar and shut the door, it wasn't the brightest thing I've done this year it was a oh S**t moment had to force the door open then , I shouldn't be let loose in the house should of gone to work and got drenched instead . 

  • Bunch of softies :)  I very rarely take a day off.  There is always something that can be done & I always have a few jobs, at each client, that can be done in difficult weather.  I am on the West Coast of Ireland & often working in very exposed gardens.  

    The key is planning & sometimes I will shift my schedule so that I am in a sheltered town garden if the weather is bad.

    • PRO

      Lovely place to live and work Peter .

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