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A close one!!

On Tuesday we were moving oak sleepers for a new raised bed. One slipped and went bang on Fleur's foot - she was fine, a slight bruise on the upper foot. Weve since discovered that the safety boot completely saved her from A&E - the actual cap has shattered/bent!!

Whilst on the subject these are the first boots that have lasted us over a year they were from Helly Hansen, and bought in September 2020, and they were still going strong until the sleeper hit them. All other boots we've used have given up the ghost at, or under a year (Englebert Strauss were the worst)

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  • Glad she's ok! I know some (lots of!) gardeners and other tradesmen who never wear safety boots. It only takes one accident!

    Incidentally, I have just purchased some new work boots today. I went with Cofra, as I've had them before and I know what to expect. I have never had a year out of a pair of boots. Worst ones were from Buckler, both the original and replacement pairs couldn't even make 3 months before disintegrating.

  • Glad she's ok, I always wear safety boots, always have, I couldn't go to work in trainers like you see a lot of people doing. Recently bought some buckler buckviz boots and seem very comfy so far. Struggling to find really good boots now none of them seem to be made as well as they used to be. 

    • I was so close to purchasing the BuckViz boots, but they have exactly the same sole construction as my old Bucklers which fell apart within 3 months. I hope yours last longer! Maybe I was just really unlucky with my previous pairs (Buckler NuBuckz). Once bitten, twice shy!

      • First time I've tried bucklers, we'll see how we go. Had some doc marten safety boots a while ago which were fine but the soles were so hard that on hard surfaces it sounded like I was wearing ladies shoes! 

  • PRO

    That's a close one, could have cost you a few quid!

    I put them on my shoulder and dead lift em into place. I've dropped one on a steel before, but never crushed one. You peeps must have drop at  a force to to smash a steel. A re-think on how you handle them suckers must be needed......



  • I bought these almost two years ago & they still loolk good.  Easily the best boots I have used & not expensive.


  • PRO

    I've had a few situations where I was very glad to be wearing safety boots.  A couple which spring to mind are bouncing a very pointy garden fork hard off my toe cap when digging over a veg bed, and felling an entire birch trunk which jumped off the stump and onto my foot before it had finished falling over - that one elicited from me a loud exclamation about gentlemen bits right in front of the client, but resulted only in a slightly bruised foot!  That one probably would have been more than just a quick A&E visit without that toe cap...

  • Like most peeps I wear safety boots day in,day out and have done for years.Thankfully the days of deep sea diver-like clunky steels are long gone.I tend to go for plastic toecap models with midsole plates to avoid the 'stepped on a nail' syndrome!I would defend Englebert strauss tho-they sell safety boots ranging from £20-£200.As in most things/tools,you get what you pay for.Safety cap boots of whichever type will eventually wreck your nail beds tho sadly.

  • Hi Adam,


    Glad fleur is ok.

    I have always used ES and have been pleased with them.

    I think I have 3 pairs on the go at the moment depending on the property job, depends on which I pair I wear the oldest are mainly for wood preservative jobs.

    Might try a set of your boots 🥾 next purchase see how they compare. 



  • In my former life...working on oil rigs all over the world. Steel toe caps have saved my feet and my life countless times

    I never work without them 

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