like any landscaping project prices are relative to what you can afford.Many people have never had their driveway replaced so the sums involved can be a eye opener.
Yes buying a diy kit for small areas and pathways can be purchased inexpensively unfo
resin driveways (15)
Today we returned to a concrete driveway that we are in the process of preparing for our resin bound surfacing.
Previously we had dug out a slabbed turning area and stoned it up with mot type 1 before compacting the stone.
Today we installed a 100 mm
Over recent years designers and architects have experimented with decorative glass in there designs.
We have completed 3 projects in the last 3 months using decorative glass. With a vast range of shades and colours we can supply virtually all ral colo
Beuatiful homes deserve stunning driveways and paths.These can easily be acheived with our resigravel system,a resin bound system for domestic households.A durable hardwearing surface using natural gravels or gravel blends,laid over your existing ta
As more households choose resin bound gravel driveways,make your driveway standsout from your neighbours.
Here at peak surfacing we ae always looking to improve our decorative sufacing range,we are now able to offer a new range of blended gravels to c
Here's an end to loose stones on your driveway.
Beautifulhomes deserve stunning driveways created from resin bound gravel.Peak surfacing can offer homeowners the decorative look of gravel without the problems associated with loose gravel.
A strong,clea
Resin driveways direct is a new site aimed at individuals and contractors wanting to purchase resin bonded or resin bound DIY kits for self installation.
Resin bonded aggregates are typically installed as a anti slip system on pathways,balconies,forc
Peak surfacing we called in recently by a yorkshire based landscaper who attempted and failed to lay resin bound gravel.
It is always important to have the right machinery, mix in the right quantities of aggregate and binder,and lay the surface before
Peak surfacing have sucessfully installed a number of new resin bound driveways over the last few weeks.
Bottesford Near Scunthorpe Lincs X2
Bradford W.Yorks
Cress well Derbys.
Barnsley South Yorks.
Wetherby N.yorks.
Based in sheffield we supply and insta
What is the difference between Resin bonded and resin bound.?
The bonded or "scattercoat" process uses cold applied resins,screeded over the surface with a thin dressing of kiln dried aggregates.Once dry the excess is brushed off leaving a 3-5mm thick
Mrs G from Botesford near Scunthorpe ,North Lincolnshire contacted Peak Surfacing recently,with a old concrete driveway which was in urgent need of resurfacing. Due to the thickness of the concrete,a mechanical excavtor would have to be brought to s
with the temperatures rising we are now able to get out to work.This installation was completed last week in Scunthorpe.A golden quartz driveway laid over a tarmac base.
This week we have just started to prepare a large concrete driveway in Cresswel
Many people spend £000s on a new kitchen trying to add value to their home,which is a excellent investment,but when it comes to selling your property,its kerb appeal that counts.
Investing in a new driveway also adds value to your home whether you are
stone carpets are another version of resin bound paving,more suited to indoor situations.
Resin bound aggregates are a very adaptable type of surfacing,normally seen on domestic driveways,they are becoming increasingly popular around hot tubs and pool
Peak surfacing have 5 years experience of resin surfacing,100% of our business is installing resin based surfacing.We are looking for landscapers,garden designers or landscape architects to promote resin bonded or bound surfacing to potential custome
The Landscape Juice Network (LJN)
What is it?
LJN is an open association of individuals and companies involved in landscaping, garden maintenance, horticulture and garden design.
The site is…
In this video, I will be…
As Blue Monday is fast approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to give a small reminder to our community here on Landscape Juice to remember to tell people about your worries and if you’re having negative thoughts. Talking about emotions…
Britmow weren’t aware how much of an impact attending a trade show would have on their future endeavours. In the run up to their 50th anniversary, they were exploring ideas of how to celebrate. It’s only when they met Kate Cooney from…
“Gardening programmes tend to be very ‘traditional’ white middle-class in their attitude towards gardening”, Julia Sargeant said in an interview after she won gold at Chelsea Flower Show in 2016. She was the first black gardener to design…
A carefully-planned turf nutrition and treatment programme utilising three key Sherriff Amenity products has produced a sustained rise in the health, condition and playing standard of greens at the Milford Golf Club in Surrey.
The programme…
Open forum activity
Just renewed mine actually."
waste carriers licence
Good day all,The waste carriers licence.I have just upgraded my registration from local authority to To be honest my local authority could well have been out of date.As someone who only transports his own waste its free, so well worth…
Read more…Best 30" / 80cm ride on mower
Our Etesia Hydro 80 is coming up toits 10th birthday and I will likely need a replacement as it's getting a bit long in the tooth so I'm starting to look for a replacement!Collection is a must, would consider a battery ride on and also another…
Read more…Which mulching mower to choose
Hi guys, I'm looking at getting a pedestrian mulch mower but I'm a bit unsure which one to choose. Any recommendations would be really appreciated.
Read more…Honda 537 HRX
Hi i am interested in getting a new mower i am looking at the Honda 537 HRX HY and the honda 476 hrx hy does anyone have both of these machines whats the difference just the size soeed and collect the same? Thanks in advance
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