Morning All,
I wonder if anyone could advise on which is the best landscape/garden design software in their opinion - I need to move into this area to help customers visualise what their gardens will look like after our transformation work but not sure which software to go for. I'm not familiar with AutoCAD so that really isn't an option and probably way more expensive than my budget will permit.
Your opinions would be greatly valued.
Hi John
I'm a Vectorworks user. I've had it for 18 months now and it's excellent. I would say that without training I would have struggled to get started as quickly as I did. Even though you're familiar with AutoCAD I'd suggest you get some training if you want to hit the ground running. I know I don't use half it's functionality yet, and I had three days training with Tamsin Slatter (I also bought he software from her).
It does 3D modelling, walkthroughs, lighting effects and, so far, everything I need. Clients don't seem to mind the non-hand drawn plans, in fact they see the advantages of being able to see the garden in 3D from almost any angle without having to pay for hand drawn perspectives.
At first I missed my hand rendering, but this was quickly compensated for in the time saving and flexibility to change things quickly. It's also brilliant for construction and setting out plans.
I haven't ever used any other drawing package, so can't compare Vectorworks to other offerings, but I love it.
Hope this helps.
Sketchup wins hands down for me. See my page for a few examples of 3D models which I use at sketch stage to sell the design to the clients and help them understand it. Also useful for setting out (very quick) drawings, and I use it for (standalone, rather than embedded in the model) construction drawings. For scale drawings you need to pay for the pro version and get your head round the Layout package which comes with it. No good for planting plans, though you can take off area or length measurements so that helps with calculating numbers, so I just use it to give me the base for my planting plans and finish by hand.
Hi John,
I Started the Trail systems landmark at a cost of €2500, i was promised it would work on my apple it caused me 2 years of trouble and €500 a year maintenance fee,It ended with the Irish supplier telling to go fuck my self and the english home company telling me to buy a computer for €200 to run in on and it would work than, I changed to auto cad LT this has only a yearly.
charge of less then €500 I've had 3 hour long lessons and its like i was born to use it ,Autocad is used all over the world for a very good reason its got a modern display and help section and loads of you tube videos if your stuck. I think it s great you can have it on your PC and laptop with no extra cost or silly dongles it even saves its self to the cloud. it has never crashed and when a survery comes in its already in auto cad, i can share Drawing with Architects no problem as they work in the same programe