Business / personal name

Unreal Gardens

Primary telephone number:

01472 235619

About you and your business ( please complete)

I have a vast wealth of experience in the sourcing and supply of professional landscape and horticultural products. Unreal Gardens is a new company formed in 2011 based on this experience to specialise in Low Maintenance & Artificial Product supply based in NE Lincolnshire.Hhaving previously worked for Rainbow Professional Ltd, manufacturers of professional tree care and landscape products from recycled materials - I set up the company Unreal Solutions Ltd as a way to expand and utilise to the full my experience and product knowledge and offer other companies and individuals the opportunity to use alternative products in their projects.

Business category

Landscaper, Garden Designer, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Commercial Grounds/Garden Maintenance, Paving Manufacturer/Supplier, Horticulture Product Supplier, Lawn Care, Other

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

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