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OGC theopengardencompany

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Lucy Summers is a hands-on garden designer and RHS qualified horticulturist who firmly believes that hard landscape construction should be balanced by the strong imaginative planting which is a familiar hallmark of her work. Lucy is also author of the Greenfingers Guides (published by Headline), which include growing your own Fruit and Vegetables, Climbers and Wall shrubs, Drought tolerant, Border Flowers, Evergreen Plants and Fragrant Plants to enable the home or novice gardener to really get the best from their gardens. These are available in all good book shops and online with Amazon, Waterstones and all the usual online outlets. She writes regularly for various publications, including Ideal Home and The Lady magazine and presents TV gardening programmes. You can also follow her garden musings at

Business category

Landscaper, Garden Designer, Consultant

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