Business / personal name
Business / personal name
Business address
229 Faversham Road Kennington Kent TN24 9AJ
Primary telephone number:
0800 848 8055
About you and your business ( please complete)
I graduated from Pershore College. During my time at the college my passion for show gardens was ignited when I played a team leader role in hard landscaping our Chelsea Flower Show entry. I went onto build gardens in Philidelphia and won gold for a garden constructed at Hampton Court Flower Show. I ran my own landscaping business in south London until 2008 when I chose to follow a new and exciting path in LawnsOne a business I started in 2004. I am now vice chair of the UK Lawn Care Association.
Skills ( please complete )
Hard landscaping, Turfing, Lawn care, Business development, Digital marketing
Business category
Lawn Care
Where did you hear about Landscape Juice
UK Lawn Care Association