Primary telephone number:

01803 834360

About you and your business ( please complete)

I live in 'sunny' Dartmouth, Devon. I'm an ex Royal Marines Bandsman and Business Development Manager. I spent 8 years chasing around the UK motorway network for some very greedy and demanding blue chip bosses until I saw the green light! I'm now running two businesses of my own and these are: Residential Lettings and Property Management (including my my own small portfolio and other Landlords) and Gardening/Soft Landscaping. I'm enjoying the variety of work this gives me immensely and feel a lot happier and settled in my work . I have a passion for flying when of course, the weather, money and aircraft availability permit. I share a light aircraft based at Exeter Airport with 8 other pilots and I also have a little boat moored on the beautiful River Dart. I'm very pleased to be part of the Landscape Juice Network which iI think is a wonderful thing. I very much look forward to learning and hearing from others on the network about their work and life experiences. Best wishes Phil

Business category

Property Management/Soft Landscaping and Gardening

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