Business / personal name

Phil Brown Design

Primary telephone number:

01749 340985

About you and your business ( please complete)

Since graduating in 1989 as a Landscape Architect, Phil Brown has been designing and project managing a diverse range of prestigious private garden, estate and commercial landscape projects throughout the UK Based in Somerset his inspirational and sometimes unusual projects have won international acclaim for the way they use light, colour and space to create living and engaging places. Phil has both designed and built gardens at the RHS flower shows at Chelsea and Hampton Court Palace and in 2000, Phil successfully submitted a design entry to the 9th International festival of Gardens at Chaumont sur Loire in France, currently the most important festival for contemporary design of its kind. In 2002 a further design entry was submitted to the UK's equivalent festival of design based at Westonbirt Once built, the winning design entries at both festivals were uniquely open to the public for several months allowing people to fully experience them as gardens. These gardens both aimed to collect and condense natural phenomena in a theatre like space, encouraging observation - provoking a connection with nature and the user's emotional response to it

Business category

garden and landscape design

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