Business / personal name

The Living Woodstore Co

Primary telephone number:

01263 860188

About you and your business ( please complete)

We strive to build the most natural, environmentally friendly, beautiful, bespoke, woodstores around. We use only locally sourced wood and timber from reclaimation yards and spend many days searching through nearby forests for felled trees to utilise the dead branches. Much time is carefully spent hand carving most of the structures, which gives them a ghostly bleached wood effect that adds to the organic nature of the design. What also makes our wood stores stand out from the norm is that they all have living roofs incoporated. Not only does the planting enhance the overall finish of the wood store, it also adds year round colour, attracts beneficial insects, and can be viewed as a beautiful additional feature to any garden or driveway.

Business category

Outdoor Garden Ornament Builder

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