Business / personal name

Greenwood Garden Care

Primary telephone number:

0151 342 7085

About you and your business ( please complete)

I have recently established Greenwood Garden Care, although have been planning the business for over a year, and been studying for the RHS Level 2 Certificate. I am a career changer (previously a solicitor), having been bitten by the gardening bug about 4 years ago and seeking a better way to make a living, and a better way to live! I am starting small by going for private residential work, mowing, hedges, pruning, repairs, light landscaping etc, and will see where it goes. The most difficult thing has been arriving at a competative hourly rate, and this website has been very helpful in that respect, and lots of others. I have been blitzing my local area with leaflets in shop windows, coffee shops etc, and am planning to follow this up with direct leafleting to homes plus an advert in a local free magazine. I am hoping to break into the autumn tidy up market, then to really get established next year from spring onwards. The first two jobs have been quoted for and booked in, so hopefully I can make it work. This a great website, which I have been visiting regularly for the last year, and it has been interesting and helpful to get insight into the industry from those who know it best.

Business category

general garden maintenance

Where did you hear about Landscape Juice

google search



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