Business / personal name
K Mackay
Business / personal name
K Mackay
Primary telephone number:
About you and your business ( please complete)
Just me and my tools, mostly nice quiet hand tools. No chemicals.
Business category
Where did you hear about Landscape Juice
Good stuff. What sort of business have you got? is it domestic work only, or do you do some commercial stuff too? There is a lot of demand and gradually you'll be able to work the business into anything you want it to be.
I started from scratch in September '09 and have got it all running very well. I have deliberately stayed small and only employed part timers as it's good for profits that way, but once some major life expenses are paid off I might try and employ folk full time to do the manual graft and step back a bit from it myself. It's hard work!
Happy to share anything if you need help at any time. I'm based in Glasgow but do work all over including a big commercial contract off Broughton Rd.