Business / personal name

Wyevale Hawkins Ltd

Business address

Thingehill Court Withington Hereford HR1 3QG

Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

Wyevale Hawkins has been growing semi-mature trees for over forty years. The experience gained in this time, and an awareness that the needs of our customers were changing, led us to invest in a purpose built container tree nursery in the year 2000. This has grown steadily in size to accommodate our expanding range of extra heavy, semi-mature and multi-stem trees and our newest crop of easy to handle 15 litre trees, grown to a height of 1.5 - 2 metres. We understand the importance of supplying trees of consistent quality and uniformity and to insure this we hand select only the best field grown stock for potting, they are then cared for by our nursery staff who are committed to growing the best. Over the years we have developed many close working relationships with our customers through our advance procurement and contract grow service. This offers the benefits of securing the specified type and quality of trees, cost savings and flexibility when projects overrun.

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