Business / personal name

Jenny Noscoe Garden Design & Maintenance

Business address

19a Beaucroft Lane Colehill Wimborne Dorset BH21 2PF

Primary telephone number:


About you and your business ( please complete)

Jenny Noscoe Garden Design offers a full-service garden design consultancy to clients seeking an outside space which is both beautiful, functional and environmentally beneficial. Co-ordinating projects, large and small, from concept to completion. Attention to detail and high quality design has always been key to the success of the implementation of our projects. From small courtyards and suburban gardens to full-scale rural landscaping. Offering a range of services including the development of the garden design concept, construction management, planting and maintenance. Based in Wimborne, Dorset, Jenny Noscoe and her small team work on landscaping and design projects in Dorset and surrounding areas.

Skills ( please complete )

Garden Design Diploma BA hons Illustration

Business category

Supplier, Designer, Domestic Garden Maintenance, Consultant

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